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                                                           WHAT IS PYOMETRA?


When to suspect PYOMETRA

This usually occurs in an older female dog one to two months after she has fiished a heat cycle. Signs are  a poor appetite and she may be vomiting or drinking an excessive amount of water.


Two types of Pyometra:


 "Open pyometra" is more common. Because the cervix is open (allowing the purulent vaginal discharge to be noticeable,) drainage of the infected fluid is possible,


"Closed pyometra." the cervix is closed and all the toxic material is held within the body. Without the discharge, the diagnosis is substantially less obvious. These dogs also tend to be sicker than those with open pyometra due to retention of the toxic uterine contents.






TREATMENT: SURGERY with removal of the uterus and other words, a complicated 'spay' with much greater risk.



Spaying absolutely prevents PYOMETRA



The main difference between the feline and canine pyometra is that the cat with a pyometra appears surprisingly well despite the serious medical condition present. The cat may be eating and grooming normally as if nothing much is going on. As with the dog, the pyometra can be open or closed and should be spayed as soon as possible.. Cats are usually in better general health when approaching surgery and tend to have a faster recovery than dogs.



Some Technical stuff!   The word “pyometra” is derived from latin “pyo” meaning pus and “metra” meaning uterus. The pyometra is an abscessed, pus-filled infected uterus. Toxins and bacteria leak across the uterine walls and into the bloodstream causing life-threatening toxic effects. The uterus itself dies releasing large amounts of pus and dead tissue into the abdomen. Without treatment death is inevitable. Prevention of this disease is one of the main reasons for routinely spaying female dogs.


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